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Kasey & Jacob

Almost Ghosted 👻

Jacob and Kasey met one night while scrolling through the dating app Upward. Kasey was working an overnight shift at work and Jacob was getting ready for bed. After swiping right, they hit it off with a conversation full of laughter and wit. As the night grew late, Kasey assured Jacob that he could go to bed and reply in the morning, as she would be up all night working anyway. How thoughtful! He took her up on that offer and fell into a deep sleep, excited for the conversation to continue the next morning. The next day, Jacob messaged Kasey again….and she didn’t reply. He waited for days, with no response. Had Kasey really ghosted him after such a great conversation? What happened? (As Jacob would find out later, Kasey was just experiencing dating app fatigue and wasn't sure if she was ready for the dating app rollercoaster. We'll give her a pass.) After a few long days, Jacob, not ready to give up, decided to give it one last shot! “Guess I should have never gone to sleep,” he messaged. Low and behold, Kasey finally replied! Jacob was back in the game! They started talking again after exchanging numbers, and haven’t stopped talking since. And that was a close call for what would soon become something very special.

After a week of texting nonstop and realizing how much they had in common, Jacob took Kasey out on what would be the best first date ever. Jacob got to the restaurant first, a bouquet of flowers in hand. It was raining (so romantic!). As Kasey walked in, shaking off her umbrella and talking to the host, Jacob thought, “Wow, she is so kind and so beautiful.” And as the host walked her to Jacob’s table and he handed her flowers, she thought, “Wow, he is so thoughtful and so handsome!” As they ate together and talked, they both quickly saw how genuine, down to earth, and kind the other was. Their connection was quick and easy; they both felt like they had known each other forever. They closed out the restaurant talking about their faith, families, and everything in between. (Kasey swears their first date was like being in a movie).

To no surprise, they were both hooked. It wouldn’t be long until they made it official and started introducing each other to friends and family. After a year of watching Harry Potter, SpongeBob, and Friends, doing puzzles, bonding over the nostalgia of Sizzlers, visiting National Parks, having theological discussions, and ultimately becoming best friends, Kasey and Jacob tied the knot and are excited to continue their story as they become family. 🤍



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