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What to Do If You Like Someone Who Isn't a Christian

What to do if you like someone who isn't a Christian

The Bible tells us not to be unequally yoked in a relationship. So, what should you do if you fall for someone who isn’t a Christian? Keep reading for four ways to approach this type of situation.

4 Things to Do If You Like Someone Who Isn’t a Christian

First, here’s what you shouldn’t do:

You shouldn’t date the person and ignore what the Bible teaches in 2 Corinthians 6:14-16: “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?”

Instead, here are four things you should do:

1. Pray for Wisdom

The first step is to pray for wisdom and guidance. Ask God to lead your emotions and decisions. This is important because our feelings can sometimes cloud our judgment, making it difficult to make wise choices. 

2. Have an Open Conversation

Next, have an open conversation with the person about their beliefs. It's important to know where they stand on faith matters. This conversation might give you a better understanding of their openness to Christianity. Or, it might confirm that they aren’t the right person for you to date because they have no interest in building a healthy Christian relationship.


3. Share Your Faith

Share your faith with them. Show them what being a Christian means to you and how it impacts your life. However, remember to do this respectfully without trying to force your beliefs onto them. You could share your personal testimony and why you became a Christian. Highlight how your faith in Jesus has changed your life – this can be an eye-opening and inspiring conversation for both of you. 

4. Build a Friendship

While you might really want to jump into a romantic relationship, it’s important not to act against God’s instructions. So, instead of dating this person, consider building a friendship with them. This provides an opportunity to understand them better, know their values, and see how they treat others. It also allows them to see the impact of your faith on your life.

Remember, it's essential to follow God's guidance in all relationships. Even when it’s not what you want, God’s ways are always better in the long run!



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