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Megan & Kevin

God made one for me!

I never expected this app to be any different from other dating apps. Both Kevin and I had bad experiences in past relationships and were feeling a bit jaded about love. One night, I came across a handsome man in a Marine uniform and decided to swipe right. Little did I know that he would end up being the one for me. After a few messages, he asked me on a date to go to church and then grab lunch together. At first, I was hesitant because I thought he wasn't that interested in me, but it turned out he just preferred getting to know someone in person. When we finally met, I was pleasantly surprised by how attractive he was. After church, we went for lunch and had a great conversation about our past and what we were looking for in a relationship. I realized that we had so much in common, from our values and beliefs to our passion for helping others. Despite my initial reluctance, I found myself not wanting the date to end, and he felt the same way. We ended up taking a long walk and talking even more. It felt like he was the perfect match I never knew I was looking for. After that, we started seeing each other regularly, and by our third date, I knew that he was meant to be in my life. It felt like it was all part of a bigger plan. Fast forward, and Kevin and I are best friends who are deeply in love. We share so much in common, from our faith to our hobbies and goals. We bring out the best in each other and support each other unconditionally. I never thought I could feel this way about someone else. With that being said, I'm thrilled to announce that I will be marrying him on July 7th, 2024!



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