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7 Prayers for the Christian Single

Whether you’re newly single, recently divorced, or have never been in a relationship, here are prayers to help guide your Christian dating journey.

A Prayer for the Christian Single Who Feels Lonely


I’m feeling a bit lonely down here. I know You're always around, and I'm grateful for that. Help me remember that my single status doesn't define me. Your love does. Can you fill these quiet moments with peace and purpose? Please guide me to grow, learn, and appreciate this stage in my life. And help me turn this loneliness into a time of self-discovery and a deeper connection with You.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

A Prayer for the Christian Single Who Just Got Their Heart Broken


I’m sad, confused, and heartbroken right now. But I know You're with me in this hurt, and that's comforting. Help me remember that this pain is just temporary and that Your love for me is constant and healing. Guide me to see this as a chance to grow and learn, even if it's hard right now. Please show me how to trust Your plan, even when it doesn't make sense.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

A Prayer for the Christian Single Who Has Never Had a Relationship


You know my heart desires to be in a relationship. It gets really discouraging knowing I’ve yet to find someone to be with. Please remind me that it's okay, will You? Help me understand that my worth isn't tied to being in a relationship. Guide me to find fulfillment in my relationship with You and others around me. Let me appreciate this single season for the self-growth it offers. And when the time is right, lead me to a love that reflects Your own.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

A Prayer for the Christian Single Who Is Dating After Divorce


Stepping back into the dating world after divorce is a bit scary. I need Your guidance. Remind me that my past doesn't define my future. You do. Help me to trust again, to open my heart, and to know my worth. Guide me towards someone who respects and cherishes me as You do. Please help this journey be one of healing, growth, and rediscovery.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

A Prayer for the Christin Single Who Is Dating with Kids


I need your wisdom and patience while dating with kids. Help me to balance my roles as a parent and a potential partner. Guide me toward someone who will love and respect not just me but my children, too. Let this journey strengthen our family and bring joy and companionship into our lives. And most importantly, please keep my kids' hearts safe through this process and give me wisdom on the best ways to involve them in it.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

A Prayer for the Christian Single Who Is Struggling to Trust God’s Timing


I'm struggling with patience and trusting Your timing. It's hard when I can't see the plan. Help me to trust in Your perfect timing and not my own. Remind me that You have a purpose for every season of my life. Guide me to find peace in the waiting and strength in the uncertainty. Please help me grow my faith and learn humble surrender during this time.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

A Prayer for the Christian Single Who Is Going on a First Date


Thank you for the opportunity to go on this first date. Please give me Your peace and confidence. Help me to be myself, listen well, and speak with kindness and honesty. Guide the conversation, and let me see if this person aligns with Your plans for me. May this experience, no matter the outcome, bring me closer to the love story You've written for me.

In Jesus' name, Amen.



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