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9 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Start Christian Online Dating

Christian online dating is a great way to meet other Christian singles and see if there’s a spark that could lead to more. However, before you dive into the dating world, it’s essential to make sure you’re ready for all it entails. Here are nine questions to ask yourself before you start your Christian online dating journey.

1. Am I Ready?

Christian online dating isn’t for the faint of heart. Creating a profile on a site or dating app takes time. Swiping left and right and starting conversations with matches takes energy. Dealing with people “ghosting” takes patience and forgiveness. Are you ready to fully invest in Christian online dating to get the most out of the experience?

2. Have I Completely Moved on from Any Past Relationships?

One of the biggest things that can hinder your Christian online dating experience is being hung up on your ex. Rebound relationships hardly ever last, and it isn’t fair to the people you date if your heart isn’t in it. If you’re not completely over an ex, take some time to heal before you start your Christian online dating journey.

3. Is There Anything I Need to Work on to Date Better?

If you’ve been in past relationships that didn’t work out, consider what you could have done differently or better to make the experience more positive. It’s also important to think about the things you did really well so you can continue to do them as you date new people.

4. What Type of Relationship am I Looking For?

People use online dating sites and dating apps for so many reasons. It’s important to know and be honest with yourself about the type of relationship you want. Are you ready for a serious relationship? Are you looking to date for marriage? Or do you want something casual? Be honest with yourself and others so everyone has clear expectations.

5. Do I Know My Standards and Boundaries?

It’s better to know your standards and boundaries before you start dating people. That way, you can be sure you don’t get into a relationship with someone who doesn’t respect or treat you the way you deserve. Spend some time thinking about the boundaries you need in a relationship and how you can communicate them to a potential partner.

6. What is My Goal in Christian Online Dating?

Are you dating for the right reasons? Are you starting the Christian online dating process because you feel healthy, happy, and ready to invest in another person’s life? Or are you doing it because you feel lonely and bored on Saturday nights? Knowing your goals and what you hope to get from the experience will help you decide if you’re in the right place to start dating well.

7. Am I Confident in Who I Am?

It is so important to love yourself and be confident in who you are in Christ before you start online dating. When you know and love yourself completely, you’ll be more open to someone getting to know and falling in love with you. Being confident also minimizes potential issues of jealousy and frustration because you’re not concerned about being good enough–you know you are.

8. Do I Know What I Want in a Partner?

There are so many types of people out there. Do you know who you’re looking for, generally? Is it necessary that they’re a Christian, funny, have a career, are family-oriented, or share your morals and values? You can save yourself a lot of time and heartache by knowing the qualities and characteristics you want in a partner before you start Christian online dating.

9. Do I Have Peace About Christian Online Dating?

Most importantly, have you prayed about starting your Christian online dating journey? Do you have peace about pursuing a relationship? When you invite God into the process, you can date with so much more joy, peace, and confidence, knowing He will guide you to the right person at the right time.



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