Kyle and I matched in December of 2023, and after chatting on the app for a bit, he asked me out on NYE just before midnight. Our first date was 1/2/2024. We met for Mexican food, and he showed up wearing this long leather trench coat. Definitely a bold move for a first date—almost a turn-off! After the date, I wasn’t so sure; I left thinking if he asks, I’ll give him another chance, and if he doesn’t, then oh well. Well… he asked! The second date went very well, and by the end of January, we had plans set for late February! We officially became exclusive in March, even though we were inseparable already. April was interesting. That’s the month we really started making God a priority in our relationship. We had lots of tough conversations. By the time May rolled around, we knew this was something that was going to last. Kyle met my kids, and they instantly loved him. We had an amazing summer spending time as a family and with friends. Kyle and I love to have fun, laugh, and just enjoy each other's company. Do you remember the 21st of September? We do! That’s the night Kyle asked me to marry him. We are so excited and are getting married in September 2025!

My husband exhibited a remarkable talent for concealing his unfaithfulness, leaving me without any substantiating evidence for an extended period. However, upon stumbling upon a recommendation for this proficient tech guru in the realm of cyberspace, I decided to avail their expertise. Remarkably, my cellular device became directly connected to all of my disloyal husband's text messages, whatsapp, Facebook, and even phone call conversations. This tech professional guided me in obtaining undeniable proof, which I then presented to my legal representative. Should you encounter a similar predicament necessitating assistance or simply yearn for closure, I encourage you to send this tech genius an email on ', he's legit and very ethical, he really helped me out with the proof I…