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Signs of a One-Sided Relationship and What to Do About It

Wondering if your relationship is a bit one-sided? Maintaining a healthy, balanced relationship can be challenging when you’re constantly giving more than you’re getting. However, when you know the signs, you can assess your situation and take action to resolve the problem or move on from the relationship. Here are five red flags to look out for and what to do if you realize you’re in a one-sided relationship.

5 Common Signs of a One-Sided Relationship

Does your relationship feel a bit one-sided? Here are some common indicators that you’re more invested than the other person:

  • You aren’t sure where you stand in the relationship. If you feel like you’re never on the same page in your relationship, it might be because one of you is more invested than the other.

  • You initiate most, if not all, of the conversation and activities. When you’re the only one putting in the effort to move the relationship forward, it may be because it’s one-sided.

  • You’re constantly the one apologizing. If someone isn’t interested in making a relationship work, they won’t be quick to apologize after an argument or resolve issues.

  • You’re the only one compromising for the relationship. Some compromise is essential in all relationships, but both people should be making sacrifices.

  • You feel like your partner doesn’t listen, isn’t interested, or doesn’t care about you or the relationship. Poor or no communication on their part is an indication that the relationship is one-sided.

What to Do When You’re in a One-Sided Relationship

If you read that list of one-sided relationship red flags and feel like you’re definitely in one, there are a few things to do. Just remember, you can’t “fix” or change someone’s behavior. For a one-sided relationship to become balanced, both people have to put in the effort.

1. Be Honest with Yourself

Realizing and accepting that you’re in a one-sided relationship isn’t always easy. However, it’s essential to evaluate the relationship as objectively as possible to decide what to do next. Think about specific examples of the relationship being one-sided. Also, consider how things would look if the relationship were more balanced. What do you expect, want, and need for the relationship to continue? Knowing this will help you have an effective conversation with your partner.

2. Talk to Your Partner

Once you have a chance to figure out your feelings and get clear on what you need, it’s time to talk to your partner. Depending on their willingness to listen and the seriousness of the relationship, you may consider doing this in a therapy session. Sometimes it’s beneficial to have the support of a third party. When communicating, be clear, kind, and give examples; express your feelings and be willing to hear them out too.

3. Decide Whether to Stay or Go

Depending on how your conversation goes, you’ll need to decide to stay in the relationship or cut your losses and move on. If your partner is willing to work on things, give it a chance. However, if all they do is blame you or seem unwilling to make any changes, it might be best to move on. If a one-sided relationship negatively impacts your physical, mental, or spiritual health, seek prayer and wise counsel to help you make the best decision for yourself.



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