Our relationship is a very unique story that will show you the greatest gift of our Savior's perfect plan. In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will (Ephesians 1:11); The way we met is weirdly enough through a Christian dating app (I never thought I would meet anyone online). I have had the app only for a couple of days, so I was fairly new to it. I was just getting on the app, to scroll through who was nearby me.. As soon as I logged in, I went to the search section on the app; to look. And as soon as I did, Thais came right up as the 3rd or 4th person. And to make our story even more Spirit-filled, she just re-downloaded the app that moment I messaged her. If that is not a divine appointment by God, then I don’t know what is. So when I saw her, I couldn’t breathe (Not in a bad way). She literally took my breath away, giving me full spiritual completion in my heart. I knew at that moment, I had to contact her, and I messaged her. Once we started communicating via the app. I wanted to video chat with her, so I asked if I could, and she was willing to. We decided to video chat that same night I messaged her, giving us a chance to see each other; to decide if this was real lol. Once we connected through FaceTime, that moment my video came online, and I saw her. I knew this was the 2nd best feeling in my entire life. The 1st best feeling with God finding me and giving me a second chance in life. Then this 2nd feeling of complete peace with this girl I just met. It was and still is a feeling that is extremely hard to describe. But the only way I can explain it is I felt a huge feeling of satisfaction and love; knowing that I just entered into one of God’s plans for my life. A plan that I never knew I would ever have. I always thought that the concept of “love at first sight” was a myth. But I was completely wrong in my logic, because when I truly met her on our first date a couple days later in Frederick. I knew at that moment, I wanted to do this for the rest of my life. Sometimes you find it hard to believe that this could be real. A sense of a dream that would end at any moment. But this is not a dream of mine, I realized that God has just put me on the best journey of my entire life. Told by Peter.