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Ashley & Timothy

We had both tried online dating before but experienced so much disappointment. Then we got a glimmer of hope from having friends who were married from meeting on Upward and we decided to give it a shot! Now we are engaged!

Tim and I tried online dating on and off for years before we met. In July 2023 we both attended some of our best friend's wedding and had the story of meeting and falling in love through the Upward App. Their testimonies gave us hope and at the same time we downloaded upward for one last shot at online dating. We matched and all of our values and beliefs lined up completely. We went on our first date which was a worship event at our state capitol. It was love at first sight. Four months later we were engaged and in two months were getting married! We are so grateful for Upward and the testimonies that inspired us to give online dating on a Christian platform one more go! We love you Upward!



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