Well, it all begins downloading Upward. Found an ad on Tik Tok and I was like what is this?! Scrolled past it and just kept going. Saw the ad again! I was like okay, I’ve tried every dating app out there, what do I have to lose?! Downloaded it. Made a profile and started exploring! Love the idea with the preferences, but glad it went out of that preference because I never would have met Jacob. Matched with Jacob and we started talking for a day or two not realizing he was two states away! I was thinking to myself “This isn’t going to work” but we kept talking. After a couple of days, I dared to give him my number. After hours of FaceTiming and texting, we had a date planned to meet in Nashville at a Christian Concert! And when that day came, it was the best! Now, the rest is history! WE ARE ENGAGED! Thank you UPWARD! FINALLY A SUCCESSFUL DATING APP!