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How Soon Is Too Soon to Pop the Question?

If you're reading this, chances are you've found someone special. Someone who makes your heart flutter and your soul sing. You're in love, and it's a beautiful thing. But now, you're faced with a big question: When should you propose?

First things first, there's no one-size-fits-all answer here. Each relationship is unique, just like each person is unique. What may be right for one couple may not be right for another. Deciding when the time is right is all about…

  • Seeking God: When you pray about it separately and together, and both feel at peace with a specific timeline

  • Consulting Wise Counsel: When you talk to older, wiser couples, and they support your timeline

  • Being Honest with Yourself: When you both feel ready to make a life-long commitment

3 Questions to Ask Before Popping the Question

Love isn't just about fluttery feelings and romantic dates. It's about commitment, patience, and selflessness. It's about being ready to put someone else's needs before yours. It's about being prepared to weather life's storms together. So, before you get down on one knee–or say “Yes!” to a proposal–ask yourself these questions:

Do You Truly Know Each Other?

Have you seen each other at your best and worst? Do you know each other's dreams, fears, and quirks? The more you know about each other, the better equipped you'll be to handle the challenges that come your way in a marriage.

Have You Discussed the Future?

Have you talked about your goals, your faith, and your vision for your future together? Are you on the same page about kids, finances, where you’ll live, and how you’ll handle family boundaries? These conversations can give you a glimpse of what your life together might look like and ensure you both want the same things.

Are You Both Ready for the Commitment?

Marriage is a lifelong commitment. It's not just about the wedding day but every day after that. It’s not something to rush into or take lightly. Make sure you're both ready to take that step. For more on this topic, read:

So, When Should You Pop the Question?

There's no rush! Take your time to enjoy each stage of your relationship. There's beauty in growing together, learning about each other, and building a solid foundation for your future. And when the time is right–when you've prayed about it, had the important conversations, and are 100% ready to commit to a lifetime of love and faithfulness—that's when you'll know it's time to pop the question. It could be six months or six years!

In the end, remember Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Trust God's timing, and He will guide you in this beautiful journey of love.

Also, remember that love is patient, and love is kind (1 Corinthians 13:4). So, be patient with yourself, your partner, and the process. After all, good things—like a lifetime with the one you love—are worth waiting for.




he who finds a wife finds a good thing and acquire favor from our Lord



There’s no right or wrong answer to this question. Pop the question when you think you are both ready. Length of time should not be a fact in this equation



Can’t wait to say yes 🙌🏾🙏🏼



This is very useful information



Pray and seek God about it. The Holy Spirit will not mislead. He will make things very clear.

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