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Stormy & Brayden

Another Upward Testimony:

told by Stormy:

I downloaded Upward over the summer, June 2021 to be exact, simply looking for new conversations. I matched with several people for the next month or so, but then decided

to delete the app partially because I felt overwhelmed, as online dating typically isn’t my thing. I somehow convinced myself to re-download Upward sometime in September, a

week or so into reactivating my account, I matched with Brayden. I was a little skeptical at first because my radius was less than 100 miles, I believe and Brayden came up

to be 377 miles away. I don’t remember who messaged who first, but right out of the gate, Brayden says, “I’d be better if I had your number.” Now, I normally would never fall for such a “pickup line”, especially not that soon, but something in my spirit was telling me to do so. He took a few hours to text me, but within the same, first night of texting we actually ended up FaceTiming for 7 hours. Two days later, he made plans to drive the 377 miles to meet


Here we are now four months in and already engaged! This walk has been such a blessing from the Lord!!! We would be so honored to collaborate with you, sharing

Brayden and I’s success story while also advocating for your app.

fun facts:

  • Stormy is from South Georgia and Brayden lives in Alabama making up the 377-mile distance between us.

  • One of our favorite things to do as a couple is to explore locally-owned coffee shops, we usually opt for frozen or iced coffees!

  • Got engaged in Hawaii two days after Christmas 2021.



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