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What Does It Mean to Surrender To God While Dating?

Surrender to God while dating

Are you the type of person who feels more comfortable when you’re in control of a situation? If so, you might struggle to surrender to God while dating. And that’s okay! Just like any relationship, your relationship with God constantly changes and can get stronger. Here’s what it means to surrender to God while dating and how to get better at letting go and trusting God.

Understanding What It Means To Surrender

When we surrender our lives to God, we’re giving Him complete control to work in us and use us in any way He wants. When we surrender to God while dating, we’re entrusting Him with our hearts, trusting that He will protect us, guide us, and ultimately lead us into the best relationship. 

While it isn’t always easy, the Bible encourages us to surrender to God, just like it says in Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

How To Trust God With Your Dating Life

What does it look like to surrender to God while dating in a practical sense?

1. It Looks Like Praying While Dating

Surrounding your dating life in prayer is one of the best ways to surrender to God while dating. Talk to God before, during, and after your dates. Ask for His guidance, wisdom, and peace. Pray for clarity in your feelings and decisions, and trust that He will lead you in the right direction. This constant communication with God will help you feel more connected to Him and more confident in your dating journey.

2. It Looks Like Dating God’s Way

Being intentional with your dating life means having strong Christian values and dating people who share your faith. Set boundaries that align with your beliefs, and don’t compromise on what’s important to you. Proverbs 4:23 says, "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." By dating God’s way, you protect your heart and honor Him in your relationships.

3. It Looks Like Having an Open Heart and Mind

Sometimes we have this idea of who we want to date or how we want a relationship to look, but God’s plan for your life might be entirely different. If you have a closed heart and mind, you don’t leave room for God to work. Be open to His surprises and allow Him to guide you to someone who might not fit your exact checklist but could be perfect for you. Trusting God means believing that His plans are better than ours.

4. It Looks Like Being Patient

Trusting God’s timing can be challenging, especially when you feel your biological clock ticking or you’re the last single one in your friend group. But remember, God’s timing is perfect. Psalm 27:14 encourages us to "Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord." Patience allows you to grow and prepare for the right person at the right time. It’s about believing that God knows what’s best for you and will provide when the time is right.

When you surrender to God while dating, you invite His wisdom and peace into your relationship journey. Trusting in His plan allows you to navigate dating with confidence, knowing that He’s guiding you toward the best possible outcome.



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